Fast heat conduction with CryoGridLite

This example is very similar to Example 1 but uses the fast implicit CryoGridLite solver of Langer et al. 2023.

Make sure to explicitly import the LiteImplicit submodule which has the relevant solver types.

using CryoGrid
using CryoGrid.LiteImplicit

Load forcings and build stratigraphy like before.

forcings = loadforcings(CryoGrid.Presets.Forcings.Samoylov_ERA_MkL3_CCSM4_long_term);
soilprofile = SoilProfile(
    0.0u"m" => MineralOrganic(por=0.80,sat=1.0,org=0.75),
    0.1u"m" => MineralOrganic(por=0.80,sat=1.0,org=0.25),
    0.4u"m" => MineralOrganic(por=0.55,sat=1.0,org=0.25),
    3.0u"m" => MineralOrganic(por=0.50,sat=1.0,org=0.0),
    10.0u"m" => MineralOrganic(por=0.30,sat=1.0,org=0.0),
z_top = -2.0u"m"
z_bot = 1000.0u"m"
upperbc = TemperatureBC(forcings.Tair, NFactor())
ssinit = ThermalSteadyStateInit(T0=-15.0u"°C")
heatop = Heat.EnthalpyImplicit()
freezecurve = FreeWater()
heat = HeatBalance(heatop; freezecurve)
soil_layers = map(para -> Ground(para; heat), soilprofile)
strat = Stratigraphy(
    z_top => Top(upperbc),
    z_bot => Bottom(GeothermalHeatFlux(0.053u"W/m^2"))
modelgrid = CryoGrid.Presets.DefaultGrid_2cm
tile = Tile(strat, modelgrid, ssinit);

Since the solver can take daily timesteps, we can easily specify longer simulation time spans at minimal cost. Here we specify a time span of 20 years.

tspan = (DateTime(2000,1,1), DateTime(2020,1,1))
u0, du0 = initialcondition!(tile, tspan);
prob = CryoGridProblem(tile, u0, tspan, saveat=24*3600.0, savevars=(:T,))
sol = @time solve(prob, LiteImplicitEuler(), dt=24*3600.0)
out = CryoGridOutput(sol)
CryoGridOutput with 7306 time steps (2000-01-01T00:00:00 to 2020-01-01T00:00:00) and 2 variables:
    H => DimArray of Quantity{Float64, 𝐌 𝐋^-1 𝐓^-2, Unitful.FreeUnits{(J, m^-3), 𝐌 𝐋^-1 𝐓^-2, nothing}} with dimensions (278, 7306)
    T => DimArray of Quantity{Float64, 𝚯, Unitful.FreeUnits{(K,), 𝚯, Unitful.Affine{-5463//20}}} with dimensions (278, 7306)

Plot the results!

import Plots
zs = [5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,100,500,1000,5000]u"cm"
cg = Plots.cgrad(:copper,rev=true);
Plots.plot(out.T[Z(Near(zs))], color=cg[LinRange(0.0,1.0,length(zs))]', ylabel="Temperature", title="", leg=false, dpi=150)
Example block output

CryoGridLite can also be embedded into integrators from OrdinaryDiffEq.jl via the NLCGLite nonlinear solver interface. Note that these sovers generally will not be faster (in execution time) but may be more stable in some cases. Adaptive timestepping can be employed by removing the adaptive=false argument.

using OrdinaryDiffEq
sol2 = @time solve(prob, ImplicitEuler(nlsolve=NLCGLite()), adaptive=false, dt=24*3600.0, saveat=24*3600);
454.927862 seconds (245.13 M allocations: 242.942 GiB, 2.33% gc time)

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